Dreams Vs Reality: How to set up your ideal life

Muhammad Adnan
Thought Thinkers


I wrote this title as “Expectations Vs Reality” but why did I change this into “Dreams Vs Reality”? I’ll explain in the go. Writing about relationships is not my niche, but I came across daily true stories around me which are shattered due to the hammering of realities over expectations.

Setting up expectations and dreaming about your future life is a built-in feature in human beings. No matter what, it could be about your job, business, studies, or most importantly about your relationship. Truly speaking, I’m not against this, and neither I could be. But there are a few extracts of these shattered stories and also personal experiences that may streamline your way of setting up expectations to turn them into desired realities.

I know many of you might be burping, “only because you had a certain experience, does not mean to pass judgment and ruin it for everybody around”. No guys! I’m not going to do that don’t worry about it.

So, without ado, let’s jump into the main business. There are few definitions, if you understand them, it would be very easy for you to set up expectations and turn them into reality to live a happy ideal life.

Difference between wishes and expectations

Do you know the difference between wishes and expectations? Well! If you know the difference then correlate it with your dreams, whether they are wishes or expectations.

The term “wish” is basically a divine luck sort of call, where you set up some dream with open eyes and expect the miracle call to happen in your favor. Sometimes, even you start living in them unconsciously.

For example, I wish I could be rich like him, I wish I could get this job, I wish I could get this business like him, I wish we may live a happy life like XYZ, I wish I could make this girl or boy mine.

Other than the above, some advanced versions of wishes are also brainstorming naturally, where you see something on your TV dramas or movies you start getting influenced. You see some social media personalities whether they are public figures or from your friends’ circle or relatives, and you start getting influenced so much that you start tagging their posts or video clips to your partner or friends for wish the life you see.

Unconsciously, you are wishing and saying to your partner or friend that when we will get married, you will have a life like this, when I will be a successful businessman, I will be leading my life like this and you start pushing yourself or your partner to live beyond means in any case.

On the other hand, the term “expectations” is based on the hard truth of demographics, interests, behaviors, past experience, and the nature/ personality of another person.

You worked really hard for exams, now you can expect to get good marks (the same goes for the business or job). You have compromised for building your relationship, now you can expect the same from him or her.

Bottoming Up

Living a life like your Social Media Influencer is pretending, is a wish and a wish can be luck dependent. Expectations are more like to set up with true figures and facts. But usually, we mixed up and head on so much that eventually, we get hurt if our wishes do not come true.

I make this easy for you, make a wish (but don’t start living in it, live in the real world to fulfill it), then work for this wish and make some expectations based on facts and figures already known to you. If you get successful, you would be living your desired life, if you fail, you can make corrections for your mistakes (lesson learned) because “Expectations” are based on your facts and figures calculations. And there might be some calculation errors that you need to fix to make your expectations a reality.

