Edward Bernays: A Master of Mass Manipulation

How one little-known figure changed society

Kyle Halderman
Thought Thinkers


Credit: Jim Joseph

“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested” — Edward Bernays

He helped elect presidents, convinced the public to support America’s involvement in WWI, and agitated the Guatemalan coup. He’s the man behind modern-day norms such as the eggs and bacon “American Breakfast,” fluoride in our toothpaste, and the cultural acceptance of women smoking.

Edward Bernays, an enthusiastic propagandist, is often called the “Father of Public Relations” — a title he earned through his remarkable ability to mold public opinion. His work spanned decades and his writings reached the desk of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister. A controversial figure, Bernays’ influence permeates culture beyond his death.


Bernays, the nephew of famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, was born in Austria in 1891. His parents moved him to New York the following year, where he earned a degree in agriculture from Cornell University.

He later landed a job as an editor for a medical review journal after a brief stint in agribusiness. In this role, Bernays took notice of a…



Kyle Halderman
Thought Thinkers

freelance writer with a passion for covering human interest stories. This includes topics such as politics, relationships, history, and communication.