Everything is a Process

So it Seems

Melanie Jackson
Thought Thinkers
2 min readAug 10, 2023


Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

Just as a beautiful butterfly goes through a process of transformation from an egg, larva, pupa then the becoming of a butterfly, so do we.

The stages cannot be rushed.

In life we develop, we grow, we transform largely based upon our experiences that develop further into coping mechanisms.

If you are suffering from a Mental Health condition, the way you process things may be more difficult. Or even take longer.

Our minds hold thought values and beliefs which may give a different perspective on certain experiences when compared to someone who has a more healthier approach.

Whilst wanting to be more healthy with our thoughts, we realise this process can be hard. It takes persistence & perseverance to catch your thoughts and challenge them.

If we have become accustomed to our thought patterns, we may go back to them via default.

If we can persist, and retrain the patterns, and realise many do not serve us, we can then learn how to live more freely within our minds.

The more complex our thoughts have become, the bigger the commitment for change.

However, the point I would like to address is that the process can take time. We need to become our own best friend. We need to be kind to ourselves and need to be patient.

We need to follow the process.

The reward for challenging our thoughts is a more healthier way of thinking.

If you are vulnerable and are struggling with your mental health, it’s important that you seek support from professionals.

They will decide what is best for you and support you through it.

I like to write from experience and hope that people can resonate with my words 😊

