Facebook and Twitter Dating

What happened to Facebook Dating?

Sophia Faith
Thought Thinkers
2 min readJan 23, 2023


Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

Depending on when you were brought up and in which era, by now, you’ll have heard about online dating one way or another. Given that I am personally involved in the online dating industry from a business perspective, I’ve seen first hand just how much online dating is continuing to play a significant role in the way people socialize.

What seems to be occurring at the moment is a transition in technologies whereby mobile devices and social media platforms are combining giving the whole online dating concept new meaning and diversification.

Facebook and Twitter have added dating platforms to their existing services. The Twitter concept uses the concept based on age and location. Users can restrict their search to local Twitter users and any nominated town in the world. Much like traditional dating sites, users can upload a photo and profile description. If you like the look of another Twitter dater, simply click a button to let them know they have your attention. The Twitter dating service is based on the existing 140-character concept.

The Facebook dating concept is slightly different whereby Facebook users can select various dating apps that can be integrated into a users Facebook account. So will the likes of Facebook or Twitter impact on the online dating market? Current trends strongly indicate that niche dating sites are continuing to hold their ground and the majority of singles looking to meet people online generally have several profiles in both online dating sites as well as social network sites — basically not putting all their eggs in the one basket.

Facebook now has more than 500 million active members, with more than 50% logging in everyday. The average person has 130 Facebook friends. The entire Facebook membership spends more than 750 billion minutes using the social network site every month.

Facebook itself caters for around 70 translations, and 70% of all users are located outside if the U.S. According to Facebook management, there were more than 300,000 translators employed to assist in setting up the site.

Entrepreneurs and programmers coming from in excess of 190 nations around the world build with Facebook systems. Men and women on Facebook set up twenty million apps every single day. On a monthly basis, in excess of two hundred and fifty million men and women build relationships Facebook on external web pages. Ever since social plug ins launched around April 2010, typically ten thousand brand new sites incorporate with Facebook every single day. In excess of 2.5 million Internet sites have incorporated with Facebook.



Sophia Faith
Thought Thinkers

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