Finding Calm in Chaos: Exploring Stress Management Strategies

Shabnum Yousf
Thought Thinkers
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2023
Image from PureWow

We know that Life is not always smooth and beautiful infact a roller coaster ride of emotions. There is so much chaos present everywhere. Peace is literally gone through our lives, one on the other day we are so busy here to struggle for each and every need that we forget to live in actual terms. Nothing comes easier as it is said, we have to work really very hard to adjust here on this planet. The Darwin's theory “SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST” actually fits here so much, we need to compete at every stage of life here in order to achieve better or live better.

While competing to achieve something we get so lost that there remains no comeback at all. So many thoughts in our minds just as the tangled earphones which ultimately give rise to what we called as STRESS and whenever we start a fresh beginning these tangled thoughts will just block the mind. It is true the struggle here is unavoidable, it is just a series of adjusting ourselves here on earth.

Few days ago, happened this tragic incident in our locality. A PhD scholar and a very Brillant teacher committed suicide. When asked to his family about the incident, they said that he was dealing with lot of anxiety issues and stress. The stress of knowing that in this race of competition he was lacking behind a bit. The stress of knowing that people might say he has not done anything great being a scholar, so on and so forth.

Why do we care so much about opinion of others?

Maybe this is due to the natural social instincts or the desire for acceptance and belonging but to give importance and valuing oneself is a better way to get rid of negative thoughts.

One of the best ways to manage stress is the understanding of Positive self-talk. Whenever an unpleasant Situations happens, we often tend to blame ourselves which give rise to negative self-talk. In order to avoid this, we need to think positively, by doing so it doesn’t mean that we ignore life’s less pleasant situations. Positive thinking just means that we have to approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. We have to keep that faith that best thing is going to happen, not the worst.

Research has shown many health benefits of positive thinking and positive self-talk. This may include increased life span, lowers the rates of depression, lowers levels of distress and pain, better coping skills during hardships and times of stress. The process of turning negative thinking to positive is simple, but it does take time and practice- you’re creating a new habit, after all.

Image from Authors gallery (uphill view of my town verinag Kashmir)

Again, one of the best things to stay positive, calm, happy is connecting to the world of nature. Spending time in natural sites significantly reduces our CORTISOL, which is a stress hormone. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced by our two adrenal glands, which sit on top of each kidney. When we are stressed, increased cortisol is released into our bloodstream. Nature also boosts endorphin levels and dopamine production, which promotes happiness.

Smiling also reduces stress, help heart health, boost our immune system by decreasing cortisol in the body, that is why smile is often called as precious gift from nature. It not only makes us feel good but also sends brain to produce endorphins and serotonin, causing positive emotions.

Image from Authors gallary

In conclusion, whatever way it feels good we just have to incorporate these things in our lifestyle only for our good. Worrying too much leads us nowhere it only causes the situation to turn bad, makes us difficult to concentrate and focus on present. We also need to get rid from the habit of ruminative thoughts thinking what happened at that time, why was not I able to this or that at that time, I just don’t feel like doing anything and the list goes on. These are the most dangerous thoughts to avoid in order to achieve true inner peace.




Shabnum Yousf
Thought Thinkers

Masters in biotechnology, writes about life, cultures, places, Spirituality and sometimes memories. Loves to read anything if found interesting.