Here’s the thing, I am probably not going to write consistently or as good as most of you, but here I am and I am starting somewhere.

Thought Thinkers
2 min readNov 20, 2022


Photo by MarieC.Comes

I love writing, but I never really honed it at a young age. I’ve seen highschoolers who are very good, I mean high level editorial content. Meanwhile, I am just here trying to pass my writing as some sort of mediocre content, if you can even call it that.

Let me tell you my back story. I have a psychology degree under my belt which, if you are aware, requires a lot of writing. I don’t even remember how I survived. All I know is I graduated while working full time. Sometimes, you work so hard that you live your life on autopilot.

And yes, you guessed it…

That’s exactly what happened to me. I worked as a Medical Assistant for 12+ years. Learned a whole lot of life experiences, but after a while lost interest, like any of us would. We all talked about passion, and finding your WHY… Well, almost 4 decades in, and I am still looking for it.

Life happens to all of us, we get married, have kids, pets and other life sucking things that humans do. But, this is LIFE! We do it because we are emotional creatures. I probably write because when I was a kid until I left my parents home, I shoved my emotions deep into a bottomless pit, never to see the light of day. And 30+ years later, I write what I feel.

I have a tiger mom upbringing, as you call it now. It was school, piano lessons or other extra curricular activities, home, and repeat. Obviously, when you are a kid, it’s not your priority. I was a goody, goody, two-shoes. My friends then became lifelong friendships. And they can attest, how mom was.

By no means, it wasn’t bad. It was just different to the way the western world parenting techniques.

At this point of my life, I am just starting to hone my passion in writing. I am never going to be good enough or earn money from doing this but it’s ok. I realized this going forward.

Life is hard! But we keep on going. So here’s to us. Keep going and writing and do whatever your heart truly desires.

Thanks for reading. Stay safe and Live Well!



Thought Thinkers

Mother, novice writer, gym/health enthusiast, part time vegetarian and a student.