I Got My First (And Only) DWI in El Paso, Texas

And why you may want to consider living there

Arthur Keith
Thought Thinkers


El Paso at sunset. The lights beyond the downtown area are mostly Juarez. Photo by Tyler on Adobe Stock.


Known as a DUI in other states, in Texas, it’s DWI (Driving While Intoxicated). At 62, I thought I was invincible and would never get one.

I thought wrong.

This was an unplanned escape. Ten months after the breakup with my partner, I was still in despair, and my roommate was making my life miserable for other reasons. I had to get away, so I packed up everything valuable and hit the road with no particular destination in mind.

It was about 3:00 am, and I was drunk to begin with. After about sixty miles, I pulled into a rest area to sleep it off.

When I woke up, I continued south on I-25 for the boot hill of New Mexico. “Nobody goes there,” I thought. “That’s where I want to be.”

My journey through the DWI process took more than a year to unwind, and I became more curious about a city I grew to hate and love.

Out In The West Texas Town Of El Paso…

El Paso, New Mexico (er, I mean Texas), lies at the extreme western tip of the state. Its northern reaches abut the state of New Mexico. The Rio Grande forms its southern border, and the Franklin Mountains…



Arthur Keith
Thought Thinkers

My goal is to inform, educate, & entertain. Top writer in LGBTQ, Music, Climate Change. Directionally dyslexic with an excellent sense of direction.