I Hit 100, So I Did It?… Absolutely NOT

Do I just quit Medium now? Here's what is in store for me in the future and what you should be doing too.

Thought Thinkers
3 min readSep 9, 2022


Absolutely Not

My goal when I first started Medium less than a month ago, was certainly not to reach 100 followers and that hasn’t changed. Is 100 followers something I’m proud of? Well absolutely it is, but it wasn’t the whole reason I began writing. I began writing because I wanted to see where my words could take me. I wanted to see just how many of my thoughts I could sensibly scratch in. I just wanted to see what I could do. By reaching 100 followers it definitely has shown me that I can write something but it has also dawned on me that I have so much to improve on and that’s okay.


Up until this point on medium, I’ve solely published journal/blog-type posts and I plan to stick with that agenda but potentially add a twist in the upcoming weeks. I would like to write something a little bit more big, professional, or even just artistic. Maybe a research-based article, or a non-fiction short story. The reason behind this is simply to enhance my writing and begin the trial runs of what could potentially turn into my first published story. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments for me! I’d love to see what you guys would like me to try my hand at writing! It would be a dream come true to publish a book, it really would. Do I have any clue what I would write about? Absolutely not, but the idea of just being able to say, “ yeah I’m an author.” Makes me feel so professional and just top-tier amazing.

This is just a building block

Medium for me is just something I do for fun and something I hope will lead me to be able to achieve my dreams one day. This audience I have right now, I hope, will be the exact people who see I published a book and go to read it. I hope that just by starting out young maybe I could have a possibility of publishing a book sometime in the future. Maybe, even closer in the future than I know. The idea of being an author is cool enough but still being in college and being an author, just sounds upright brilliant. One can only dream. ( no other 18-year-old beside me finds the idea of publishing a book this amazing… I know, don’t judge)

So will I try to apply for the Partner Program in the meantime?

Although I’ve considered it, I don’t think it is the best option for me just yet. Granted the idea of money sounds awesome but like I said before that’s not why I joined Medium. For now, I’m just your loveable teenage girl giving you all the free, and, ridiculous content I have for the past month, don’t mention it. One day, if I ever find myself in a true slump for money, I hope I could rely on this as a “ backup plan” but that’s not something I want to worry about just yet and you shouldn’t be either!


I always try to conclude my posts with a little thank you note for reading my article. Since I reached 100 followers I just wanted to make it a bigger point on the agenda to thank you guys, especially now. Without your support I wouldn’t be as happy as I am writing, I’d be happy, just not this happy! Thank you!



Thought Thinkers

- RU🦉2026 Early Childhood Education - Always looking to be inspired, always chasing dreams✨