It’s Only Words


Thought Thinkers
3 min readSep 11, 2022


Sunrise captured from my terrace by me

All is well when the words flow

but what if they don’t

I dread the day, they stop again

Because I worked hard to get it started again

I remember the shadow’s spell,

I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t tell

I would sit in silence and feel heavy as hell

I could sleep so much

sometimes they thought I was dead

days became months and months ran into years,

I felt more and more like I wanted to roar

within me, was a cry so loud

outside it felt like a heavy soaked cloud

I walked through that cloud

without getting soaked

but one could tell, I was getting choked

my words would drown till they hit the rock

my voice so down, no one heard me trapped inside a box

I locked myself in my safe house

not stepping out even for a walk

I sat quietly for days and more

I sank lower than the ocean floor

I thought I ll never emerge

it was all over, said, my soul,

but within me, sat another resilient God

who refused to take this as the end of it all

it shook me out of the dumps

it said, look straight at the rising sun,

from that day, it was me and the sun

waking up with the sun, filled my mornings with fun

I rose again, to new tunes

the birds became friends

the morning wind filled my heart

it saved my precious life and art

On a little hike, somewhere near the Himalayas

But life is funny and so is the soul

it will slide back to the familiar hole

before I knew it, I was sleeping again,

before I knew it eating too many chocolates again

made me fat, gave me poor gut

this time there was a new medium to save me,

they said, is a platform to help me rebirth me,

today I write my words onto the vast cosmos

through the internet,

they read me, they get me, they save me

An invisible thread now connects me

running through states, countries, continents, and seas

it makes me less alone,

someone somewhere living in a meadow reads what I write

they write back, it's almost magical

like little fairies wandering in wonderland

I am grateful to this land of words

where words become the Medium of our soul

for it makes me feel, that I found a purpose,

I may not write perfect every time

but my words are true and precious

I wake up and I know my friends here

await with stories galore,

they give me a gentle push, they inspire, they advise, sharing their wisdom

together we thrive,

I love every moment I spend here

I treasure this whole group

wise, with a big heart

I continue to share, these small victories,

Don’t forget to celebrate yourself, they said

I agree, never forget you are doing your best, and so am I.

just like that, I feel better, connected, grounded,

And I say, here I am.

Image captured on the phone at a hillock



Thought Thinkers

I am on Medium, to write and be part of a fantastic ever-evolving writer community. Email —