Keeping Up With the Speed of Medium

As a low- to mid-energy writer

The Accidental Monster
Thought Thinkers


Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

Keeping up with Medium is exhausting.

Every Saturday, my partner and I have date night. No work, no other plans, just the two of us reconnecting each week. When Saturday rolls around, I usually feel unprepared. What are we doing? What do I want to do? The questions hang in the air as we awkwardly piece together something enjoyable that feels even slightly different from any other day.

I spend the whole day thinking to myself, “This week, I’m going to figure out what I want to do next time.” I resolve myself to this task. It’s happening, I’m committed. Who knows how many Saturdays either of us have left? Life is short and I’m going to make the most of it.

Yet the next Saturday rolls around, and it’s the same awkward conversation. Where did the week go? Oh, right. I was focused on keeping up on Medium.

This is a supportive community with opportunities to earn, learn, and grow. I love the vibe, even with the pitfalls. But the pace required to make a decent living at this leaves something to be desired at times.

Recently, I created another brand-new account. Writing on a new account usually provokes an obsessive excitement for a while. The pace is quick, as the ideas pop up like lightning bugs. Medium in…



Thought Thinkers
Thought Thinkers

Published in Thought Thinkers

A community for readers, writers, poets, satirists, creatives, and thinkers of thoughts

The Accidental Monster
The Accidental Monster

Written by The Accidental Monster

I am weird, spiritual, and deep. Accidentally monstrous at times, but usually with good intentions.