
An Ode to The Suffering

Tarik Murrell // Titan's Tirade
Thought Thinkers
2 min readOct 25, 2023


There are days I am still. Flat on my back with my eyes to the infinite blue. I stare until I see stars.

Either I’m dizzy from the rotation and a universe has sprung behind my eyes or I’ve been down here so long night has fallen and the stars have risen.

Either way I’m stuck here. I will not move. I will not do it anymore. I’m so tired. The thought of what comes next is Earth’s whole atmosphere on my chest. That is 5 layers of a planet on my the calcium cage of my heart. That is every storm that has every happened pressed against what keeps me alive.

I have been here before. Midnight sky eyes, atmosphere on chest and terra kissed back. So I swallow the weight. I put every single storm in my lungs. I feel them thunder against my chest. I feel my heart beat back. I smile lightning bright. All there is now is my Earth and Sky. Foundation and Destination. I am not stuck. I have forgotten. I have let the weight of breaths remind me that I have the strength of mountains. I’ve let the sound of rain deafen my own voice.

I must lament to remember. This is an Ode to every lamentation. To every moment under rising star and tender Earth. To those moments where nothing makes sense. So you make sense yourself. To the literal act of creating sense. Making a path. To breathing the storm.

Photo by Cokile Ceoi on Unsplash



Tarik Murrell // Titan's Tirade
Thought Thinkers

🇹🇹Expanding my idea of myself, one piece at a time. I write every day at 4am. Buy my book!