Mood Swings: How To Manage Energy Zapping Feelings Without Compromising Self-care.

When Life Throws Shitty Days At You, What Do You Do?

O.J Ebubeoha
Thought Thinkers
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2023


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I’m positive we’ve all planned our week and are prepared to grind.

What if, while you’re grinding through your exceptional week, a setback unexpectedly disrupts your flow?

Here’s what will happen:

— Your mood changes instantly.

— You become irritable and snappy.

— You lose concentration focusing on the problem and how to solve it.

— You think about who is to blame for your misfortunes, digging into irrelevant conspiracy theories your mind concocts.

— You forget about your plans for the week, encouraging your low mood to rule the rest of your week.

Please don’t feel exposed. It happens to the best of us. Me inclusive.

Alternatively, life is also full of surprises. It can deliver any shitty package it chooses without warning.

Does it mean we should allow these zapping feelings to rule our lives every time they occur?


Life isn’t fair. Shit happens. Tough days will come, but we don’t have to give in to it, compromising everything to get rid of it.

That’s where the problem lies. “Trying to get rid of it.”

— What if it isn’t something you can get rid of? Will you allow it to rule your life?

— What if it isn’t a situation you can solve immediately? Will you feel energized, grumbling until it’s resolved?

I don’t think so.

So, how can you manage these energy-zapping feelings without compromising your self-care?

6 Ways To Manage Energy-Zapping Feelings Without Compromising Self-Care.

— Accept That Life Has Dealt You A Hard Hand.

— Give Yourself Positive Self-Talks And Private Reassurances.

— Give Yourself Time To Process Your Feelings About Your Situation.

— Steer Clear Of Trigger Beacons While You’re Still Figuring Things Out.

— Practice Self-Compassion, Meditate, and Visualize Your Positive Outcomes.

— Practice Self-Compassion, Meditate, and Visualize Your Positive Outcomes.

— Accept That Life Has Dealt You A Hard Hand

With acceptance comes a sense of calm despite anything you are going through. When you fight the overwhelming feelings, they don't go away; they multiply.

Acceptance helps your mind disconnect from defense mode and move to offense, poking holes in your situation with clarified action plans until you resolve it.

— Give Yourself Time To Process Your Feelings About Your Situation

Imagine going through money, family, or relationship problem and you show to a place where everyone seems to have it all figured out.

If you didn't give yourself time to process your feelings, it's only a matter of time before you combust in such a gathering.

Don't throw blame around. Don't discard your feelings. Own them responsibly.

— Steer Clear Of Trigger Beacons While You're Still Figuring Things Out

You know yourself better. Also, you know what ticks you off when you're in a low mood.

Avoid them. Don't act like you can barrel through it when you know you can't.

Steer clear of triggers that'll shove you into a depressing state you're trying to get out of.

— Give Yourself Positive Self-Talks And Private Reassurances

Nothing beats the reassurances you give yourself amid the raging storm.

Tell yourself:

— So what if life handed me a shitty play? I'll be victorious.

— What if things didn't go as planned? I'll go out and keep trying to keep my shit together.

— Practice Self-Compassion, Meditate, and Visualize Your Positive Outcomes

Whether your plans to move forward work or you get slapped in the face and have to try again, be compassionate to yourself.

Keep visualizing the outcomes you want from your situation and meditate on them to find the best way through.

— Step Out With A Clear Mind, It's Nobody's Fault You're Going Through Shit

It's not your fault either. Embrace it as a part of life and your growth, and plow through it.

Step out of your head.

Find clarity.

Don't blame anyone and you'll see significant improvement in your mood, even when it feels like your life is about to cave in on itself.


If you cannot get ahead of your setbacks, get inside them and manage them from within. Life has dealt you a hand. You can’t always run from it.

Managing your energy-zapping feelings through acceptance, self-compassion, and positively reassuring yourself is better than waiting for them to erupt.

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O.J Ebubeoha
Thought Thinkers

Holistic Wellness Enthusiast| Storyteller & Romance Author| Freelance Content Writer & Self-Motivator | www.ojebubeoha.com | www.linkedin.com/in/ebubeohajane