Move Your Ideas From the Back of Your Head to the Front of the Page

A little inspiration for you and me to go after big things even if they are scary.

Thought Thinkers
2 min readSep 10, 2022


When I first started

When I began to write my first article on Medium I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing and I wondered whether I should even post the article. I almost even deleted the entire article in a moment of doubt, but I’m glad I didn’t. There is a point in the beginning in whatever you do and that point isn’t to be the best or even be good, the point is to just BE. If you started a race already at the finish line is there a point in still having the race? Nope, there isn’t a point. That’s why you start farthest away from the finish line so you can progress and get to the finish line eventually. The point I’m trying to make is that don’t focus on writing the best or putting the best idea on the paper, just write something, go with it and most importantly be confident. Get excited! Just writing something on a paper or beginning your first article is making an improvement and helping your future self get somewhere.

Take it from me.

If you are worried that your work won’t be appreciated don’t be. I know that my writing could be better and I know I want to do bigger things, but I also know that by doing smaller things first I’m getting closer and closer to the bigger thing. I’m making mistakes and learning from them. I’m having fun and getting excited about my future as a writer. I’m talking with and getting support from so many nice people. Overall the little things you are doing, just like writing your first article is something and it’s something amazing.

If you need it

Here are a few ideas to help you start writing if you are scared.

  1. One of the greatest moments of your life
  2. Things that you like that you feel are under-appreciated
  3. Recent findings, things you’ve learned, movies, bookies, tv.
  4. Family, religion, relationships
  5. Who you aspire to be and the things that are helping you get there.

Some tips I learned in my first month on Medium

  1. Add pictures to your articles, for some reason it makes your work more enticing
  2. Interact with others on medium not only so you can learn from others but also so people can begin to see and learn who you are and what you write.
  3. Make drafts and add to them later, helps avoid having to think of ideas on the spot
  4. Set a routine time to write and brainstorm
  5. Never quit on yourself, you are great.
  6. Most importantly but also most cliché, just write and HAVE FUN.



Thought Thinkers

- RU🦉2026 Early Childhood Education - Always looking to be inspired, always chasing dreams✨