Musical Chair of Madness

Navigating the madness around you

Nilotpal Sinha PhD
Thought Thinkers
2 min readSep 26, 2022


Photo by Thiébaud Faix on Unsplash

The world around us seemed to be going more chaotic every single day. Whenever I turn on the news, I am bombarded with news of destruction and sadness around us.

This makes it hard for someone to see the positive in their lives especially if they are in depression.

When I see the news cycle, I see the musical chair game being played out.

Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash

For those who don’t know what a musical chairs game is, the definition according to Wikipedia is:

A set of chairs is arranged with one fewer chair than the number of players. While music plays, the contestants walk around the set of chairs. When the music stops abruptly, all players must find their own individual chairs to occupy. The player who fails to sit on a chair is eliminated. A chair is then removed for the next round, and the process repeats until only one player remains and is declared the winner.

Except in this musical chairs game, the music is the chaos around us and it does not seem to stop to allow the people to sit on the chair.

For me, it started with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic which continued for 2 years and we are still feeling the chaos generated by it.

It is now replaced by inflation which makes your earnings look like peanuts.

This music of chaos does not seem to stop and it seems like we are stuck in a perpetual motion of dancing around the chairs with no future date for sitting on them.


The solution that is working for me is to neglect the world events that do not affect me directly.

Instead, I am trying to focus on building up my writing skills, coming up with new research ideas, and leading a healthy life.

Basically, I am more focused on my own chaos rather than the chaos in the world.

In this way, I can play my own musical chairs game and have some control over the music of chaos to find some time to sit on the chair.

The pandemic, global chaos, did affect me but I turned it into my own chaos of writing academic papers for my Ph.D.

I hope people can also try to focus more on their chaos rather than the chaos in the world because it is not easy for one person to solve the global chaos as this global chaos is endless.



Nilotpal Sinha PhD
Thought Thinkers

Passionate about life philosophy, AI, technology, hacking and coding. PhD in Computer Science.