My 200th Story

A Sincere Thank You to the Writers of Medium

Ben Ulansey
Thought Thinkers


Image created by author in Dream app

Is it just me, or does 200 sound like a pretty large number?

Although, I guess it’s subjective. Maybe 200 isn’t so large if we’re talking about dollars… I certainly haven’t made a large amount of those yet.

But if we’re talking about articles that would never have been written if I hadn’t joined Medium… suddenly 200 feels like a pretty huge number.

I’m incredibly proud that I made it this far and I’m incredibly thankful for the role that this awesome community has played in inspiring me to keep churning out essays and fiction and satire and film reviews and memoirs and poems and rambling philosophical treatises. It’s hard for me to believe that it so nearly didn’t happen.

It was a flip of a coin really. Heads, create — tails, exist. Heads, express — tails, manage. Heads, pursue a passion — tails, eke out an unhappy living.

I could have just as easily done none of this writing — more easily, even. To think that each year since graduating high school that coin always landed on tails is a despairing thought. That I knew I loved writing all of this time and still chose not to is a little soul-crushing. But I’m glad to be here now.



Ben Ulansey
Thought Thinkers

Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙