
Thought Thinkers
4 min readMay 21, 2022


What is THERAPY?

Itā€™s a Treatment to help or cure a mental or physical illness without drugs or medical operation.


A Therapist is a person who has received training to help treat mental or physical health problems.

Why do we need a THERAPIST?

Life has million ingenious ways to bend you, break you, kneed you, and grind you. A lot was taken away from us in this Pandemic, it pushes you to delve deep deeper into yourself and fish the courage to recover.

A Therapist can help support you going forward, once you are no longer in crisis.

When any type of mental health or emotional concern affects daily life and function, therapy may be recommended. it can help you learn about what youā€™re feeling, why you might be feeling it, and how to cope.

When I found my THERAPIST?

During the lockdown of 2020, I heard a puppy hauling in pain and agony near my house. she is broken, neglected, scared, and lonely. I canā€™t resist rescuing her with those screams, I scooped her in my armsā€¦ The weight of her body was heavy on my heart and just bring her HOME. I did what I know best. I remember her first night like the back of my hand. She slept cozily, away from the blaring noises on the street. For the first time in her life, home didnā€™t only exist in her dream. It was right there when she opened her eyes too.

From being born in darkness, she had now stepped into a warm patch of sunlightā€¦

That day I donā€™t know ā€œWho Rescued Whoā€?

I never consider myself as a leader to take responsibility for anyone or anything in my life but after adopting a life I realized if you are willing to take responsibility for one more lifeā€¦



The life of animals is harder than that of Human beings, and the difference is we can express and they canā€™t. they were born into a life of hardship, yearn love too. Through your actions and helps_ you gain humility for the ones on the street, in cages, at slaughterhouses that are constantly live-trapped, and at our mercy.

Retreat to our comfort zones when it comes to saving the lives of species different from our own.

Open your heart to the love of a streety, I promise youā€™ll never regret it.

Let their light finds your heart.

How Soft Fur, Innocent Eyes, Four legs, Wagging tail, and a Wet Nose make your life worth living?

Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and filling an emptiness we didnā€™t even know we had.

All these years, you try your darnedest to foolproof your heartā€¦ elude yourself of the wild magic that awaits you but with their love, they leap you over the high walls you built around.

They donā€™t make a room within your heart, your heart becomes their home, and then you just cannot walk 10 steps without thinking of something they would have liked.

You cannot go 5 minutes without their thought crossing your mind and let a minute slide by without them in your sight.

Their constant presence, daily rhythm, and intuition technique is about listening, loving, and developing resilience in a hectic world where Mental Health challenges like depressions, anxiety, and loneliness donā€™t exist.

Cherish them when you still can, they are on a mission to spread love on Earth, are you here to borrow this love?

I hope this blog connects with you and more lovely humans, annoys even more neighbors, and do bucketloads of adoptions and rescuesā€¦

Never underestimate the power of a sloppy kiss, a wet nose, and a wagging tailā€¦



Thought Thinkers

Hi, my name is Aakanksha and I like to write about Humanness from the Heart for the Hearts ā¤