Natural ways to increase focus and concentration

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” …

Konstantin Spasov
Thought Thinkers
5 min readJun 10, 2023


Have you ever wondered how hard it is to focus on your tasks? Nowadays, it is really hard to focus and concentrate, staying focused on a task can be really challenging at times, particularly when we are always getting distracted.

Even during your quiet moments, it is effortless to get distracted and you can always start scrolling on social media.

Being focused and concentrated is crucial for success. The ability to concentrate and focus on something in our environment is crucial to complete a task, achieving your goals, and performing well in different situations.

Being focused and concentrated can be achieved, but it could not mean that it could be achieved easily.

It will take some effort and hard work on your part and in some cases you have to make some crucial changes to your daily habits. If concentrating is simple, it would be really easy to complete your daily task or plans.

Self-Improvement Tips on how to become more focused and concentrated.

Photo by Drew Dizzy Graham on Unsplash

In this blog post, we will focus on different tips and tricks on how to increase concentration and mental focus.

  1. Evaluate and analyze how mentally focused you are

Before you start learning how to focus and concentrate, you might want to how strong is your mental focus.

Your Focus and concentration are good if:

  • You set goals and you break down what do into smaller parts
  • Between work sessions, you find time for a short break

Your lack of Focus and concentration if:

  • You easily get distracted by background noise
  • You easily get lost in your progress
  • Regularly checking your phone

In case the first few statements are you, then you have good concentration and focus skills. You can become better by trying more and more.

If you identify yourself with the last statement, then you might have to work on your concentration and focus skills. With practice, patience and dedication, you will easily become more focused. Self Dedication is crucial for building healthy habits and goals.

  1. Destroy and Eliminate Background Distractions

In our current conditions and distractions, people often forget how easily it could be and how many distractions can prevent us from concentrating on a task. Minimizing the source of the distraction is not always easy. It can be easy if we turn off the TV and Phone, but when it comes to people who can interrupt easily can interrupt our work, it could be harder to silence our noisy co-worker, friend, or spouse.

One of the easiest ways on how to become more focused is to set an ideal time aside and request some alone time to finish the task or project. Alternatively, we can find a quiet space that could help us concentrate and focus on our tasks.

  1. Limit the Distractions

When we have to complete a daily task or work, people always try to multitask and complete the assignment faster. At first glance, multitasking could be a really great way to speed up the process, but we can find out that people could be quite bad at multitasking. Doing multiple assignments at once can badly cut down on our productivity and it could make things harder.

Spending our time wisely can really help when doing work. Focusing on only 1 task can drastically increase our mental focus and concentration.

  1. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is quite the topic in modern times and for a good reason. For thousands of years, people have been practicing mindfulness meditation, but its benefits are being understood only recently.

The mindfulness practice can help us learn how to meditate, but another easy exercise that we could do is simply to take an easy deep breath. Mindfulness can be seen as easy, but in reality, it is actually much more difficult.

This technique can be done almost everywhere and eventually, we can find it easier to minimize our intrusive thoughts and we can easily return back to our work.

  1. Take breaks

It gets really harder to stay mentally focused and concentrated for a longer period of time. After a long period of time, your focus can start breaking down and eventually, it becomes harder to focus and concentrate. Additionally, also your performance is starting to suffer as a result of the work.

Next time when you work on a big project or a task, please give yourself some off-time time and take a short break. This can be done by changing your focus to something unrelated, even for a short moment. Take time to schedule breaks between your daily tasks.

  1. More Practice

Self-improvement does not come easy and it won’t happen overnight. Even professionals have to take time to practice, our idea is to help you out be more focused.

One of the first important things to do is to recognize how easily we get distracted. If you struggle daily to complete your daily assignments, it could be a good time to start placing boundaries and value your time more.

By doing baby steps and building your mental focus, you will eventually find the answer to how to be more focused and dedicated.

  1. Music

Another good practice is music. Having a TV or phone can be a source of distraction, but playing the right music can really improve your focus and concentration. A good practice that you can implement is to find the correct type of focus music that you might actually like. You can also make a focus playlist with your favorite Lofi songs and when you start your task, you can go back to that playlist and play it in the background.

  1. Sleep

When you don’t have a healthy sleep schedule, it can trigger a decline in your mental focus and concentration. Experts are confirming that having a poor sleep schedule can affect your mood and focus.

If you have a hard time sleeping, one of the best practices is to make a night routine. It can be as little as reading a book, meditation, a bath, or whatever you like to do in the evening. Having a healthy sleep schedule is going to improve your concentration and mental health.

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Konstantin Spasov
Thought Thinkers

Writer, writing articles about Self Improvement, Mindfullness and self-love.