No Trend should be the New Trend

Trend Culture Sucks

Khadija Iqbal
Thought Thinkers
3 min readAug 11, 2022


Trend culture sucks. Don’t look at me like that. Just hear me out.

I’ve heard people saying that they write on a certain niche because everyone is writing on it, or because it can get us more views and money. But my question is that why are we only focused on those factors? Why can’t we write about the topics of our interest? The popularity of a certain niche doesn’t explain why we should try to opt only for that.

There are writers following others’ advice blindly and still failing. They are also not pleased with the work they produce. Considering that they are not able to write to their heart’s content. Because, apart from doing all the research, it is the passion that makes us dive deep into the topic that would be exciting to write about and engaging to the readers. If the writers are not satisfied with the quality, then how do they expect the audience to be satisfied?

Newbies going for the trend are losing their style. Their passion cannot arise because they are shoved to run in an endless race that was initiated by someone else. That is the reason why so many quit the moment they start. After all, they don’t even know their interest. They are just focusing on things that will make them easy money.

I understand that money is a necessity but earning it through trending yet boring means will wear us out much faster than usual. We should be in love with our work. Doing what we like will keep us lighthearted and will allow us to produce top-class work. And that work would be appreciated and valued. It would be called a masterpiece.

Trends are important too, as it shows us where we stand in the industry. But keep in mind, that it should not define our work’s value or our value. Trends do not last long. They are not permanent. They are being constantly replaced by new trends. Following the trends, people are skipping from niches to niches. The industry keeps on evolving and new things are introduced. We can not carry on with it. Jumping from one niche to another is an exhausting thing. It is more of a disadvantage than a benefit.

Losing our voice would make us forget to speak. Similarly, losing our passion would make us forget to live. We have been seeing fashion trends rising and dropping. But we wear the clothes in which we look good regardless of the trends. Here, trends do not matter because not every type of clothes suits us. Likewise, not every niche is our strong point. We should find the niche that we are comfortable in. We should find the niche that fascinates us, that thrills us, and try to excel in it. The niches’ popularity is not important. How we write is important. We can make others realize its worth through our content.

Breakell says,

There is nothing inherently wrong with trends as long as people participate in them thoughtfully.



Khadija Iqbal
Thought Thinkers

Ayoo! I just love to dwell on the topic of feelings.