Number 666: Marking A Devilish Amount of Followers

Those with hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, look away now…

E.A. Colquitt
Thought Thinkers
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2024


Image made with Canva by the author

I’m BACK! I am all caught up with my posting schedule, and got a surprise this morning. I logged into Medium, and — welp! I now have (or then had, lol) 666 followers!

Thanks, everyone! This feels significant…

Actually, it’s more serendipitous. I’m currently polishing my next ‘Sacred England’ article, so I’m already in a thinking-about-belief mindset… and, of course, 666 as a number has a terrible reputation.

The Number of the Beast

Let’s get the dark side of it out of the way, first. 666 is associated with the devil, due to Revelation, the very last book in the Bible.

It’s easily feared. Revelation can be an alarming read —especially if you take things at face value, which is many people’s natural go-to when encountering something.

Such is Christianity’s huge influence on Western culture, too, that the number’s negative associations broke out of conventional faith into superstition. Do you know anyone who changed their phone — or even their house number — because it contained 666?

