One minor change that refocuses me in the middle of the week

Maybe an extra 2 hours is not much, but I still enjoy it

Zuzanna Żak
Thought Thinkers
2 min readNov 8, 2022


I really hope this article won’t sound like wake up at 4 am, go to sleep at 3 am type of BS. But yes, this article is about waking up earlier.

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

I’ve recently restarted having remote French lessons. Due to time differences with the teacher, I take them at 5 am. Once a week, I wake up 2 hours earlier than I normally would. I start the day with the French class and then go on with some work till the sun rises, then I have a quick walk to the bakery, and then I go back to my desk to work.

Me waking up 2 hours earlier also means that I’m going to bed earlier, but to be honest it’s usually 1 hour earlier instead of 2, just because the morning class is energizing enough to keep me awake for that long.

The benefits of switching your waking up time once a week that I’ve observed:

  • It’s rare enough for me to continuously be surprised by the time on those Tuesdays
  • I gain an additional push, quite important for me as someone who works remotely
  • I’m consciously sleeping in on non-Tuesdays — I feel more rested on other days.

I believe that on the earlier day is a nice balance of whenever I would like to sleep in. Fortunately for me, I start the earlier day with a pleasant activity, which for me is a crucial element of not making this habit a soul-draining torture device.

Feel free to explore it for one week, and share your thoughts on it. Good morning!



Zuzanna Żak
Thought Thinkers

Field recordist, bird song participant, early morning enjoyer. Use my 🦆 recordings: