Over-Respecting Someone is Making Fun of Yourself

The Fine Line Between Admiration and Self-Doubt

Mahrosh Khan
Thought Thinkers
3 min readAug 22, 2023


Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash

Have you ever caught yourself admiring someone to the point where it affects how you perceive yourself? It’s like putting someone on a pedestal and then feeling like you fall short in comparison. Let’s dig into this feeling and explore how it impacts us.

Think about that person you truly look up to — whether it’s a mentor, a role model, or someone who has achieved success. You see their accomplishments and qualities, and it’s natural to feel inspired by them. Admiration is a way of showing respect for their abilities and achievements. However, this respect can sometimes take a turn.

Imagine this scenario, you’re in awe of someone’s achievements, but at some point, your admiration starts making you see yourself through a critical lens. You begin to feel like you don’t measure up to their level of greatness. It’s almost like you’ve elevated them to an unreachable height, and in doing so, you unintentionally bring yourself down. This is where things start to get complicated.

When admiration becomes excessive, it’s like a seesaw. On one side, there’s the person you admire; on the other, there’s you. The more you raise them, the more you might lower your self-worth. Instead of feeling motivated, you might start doubting yourself. It’s almost as if you’re saying, “They’re so amazing, and I’m nowhere near that.”

However, let’s pause and reflect. Every individual, no matter how extraordinary they appear, faces their struggles and doubts. The people you hold in high regard didn’t reach where they are without stumbling, facing difficulties, and experiencing moments of uncertainty — just like you.

Now, let’s talk about motivation. That driving force pushes you to achieve more. Interestingly, when admiration turns into idolization, it can lead to the opposite effect. You might start feeling like their accomplishments are unattainable to you. But that’s not the case. Their journey, much like yours, had its share of ups and downs. It’s like comparing the middle of your story to the end of theirs.

The crux of the matter lies in finding that sweet spot — striking a balance between appreciating others and valuing yourself. It’s not about undermining your successes or believing you’re not good enough. It’s about acknowledging that their journey is worth acknowledging, but so is yours. Life is a canvas, each of us painting our unique strokes.

Imagine if you could see the person you admire as a source of inspiration, not as a yardstick for comparison. Instead of feeling inadequate, let their achievements fuel your aspirations. Remember, you’re not overshadowed by their brilliance — you’re walking your path, chasing your dreams.

Respecting others should serve as a bridge, not a barrier, to believing in yourself. It’s about recognizing their greatness while embracing your potential. Every step you take and the dream you pursue contributes to your story. Your journey carries just as much weight and significance as anyone else’s.

So, let’s engrave this in our minds respect should elevate us all. It’s about acknowledging achievements while holding onto the truth that you’re capable of extraordinary things too. Your journey, with its ups and downs, is worth commemorating. Balancing admiration and self-worth is akin to a dance — and when you find that rhythm, life transforms into a symphony of fulfillment, happiness, and boundless possibilities.



Mahrosh Khan
Thought Thinkers

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