Release Your Trauma & Embrace Healing By Doing Something Intentional For Your Self-care.

I urge you to get up, pause, breathe, and let the light in.

O.J Ebubeoha
Thought Thinkers
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2023


Image of a woman sitting cross-legged and raising her hand to the sunset on the beach
Photo by Pixabay:

We sometimes get knocked off the trajectory of our lives without warning. Our goals, plans, and schedules ripped to shreds by the sheer force of the blow.

We feel the impact of this destabilization in every fiber of our being. It touches us emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially.

Sometimes it affects us so deeply, we disregard everything to deal with our pain, loss, failure, weaknesses, anxiety, depression, vulnerabilities, setbacks, and everything else in between.

I respect you.

I deeply respect you for not lashing out at the world but retreating into yourself to find your healing. It takes courage and deep inner strength to do so.

But I also want you to know that you've suffered in silence enough. You've shut the world out and I'm asking you to let us back in.

I’m asking you to get up, pull back the blinds, and let the light in. I'm asking you to stop, pause, and take deep, refreshing breaths.

For some of you, getting back up or letting the light in will mean:

  • I will start going for therapy again.
  • I will start eating healthily and stop skipping meals.
  • I will start protecting my mental haven and leave the negativity behind.
  • I will start counseling sessions again.
  • I will forgive myself for taking on this guilt.
  • I will seek help with some challenges I’ve been dealing with alone.
  • I will stop my addictive, toxic habits and pursue healthier ones.
  • I will stop shutting people out and embrace their offer to help.

Committing to doing this will feel agonizing and difficult because you’ve dealt with your trauma, pain, and difficulties alone for so long.

But right now, you’re not alone.

I’m here with you and people are waiting with open arms, just outside your door, to offer you all the courage, support, and warmth you need to heal and be whole.

My Message With Love & Light

I challenge you this September to take a step forward, embrace the light, get up, pause, and do something intentional for your self-care this month.

You don’t need to tell me what you’ll do but I’m here to listen if you want to share. Affirming you accept this challenge in the comments and will open yourself up to the world again is enough.

Your affirmation is a confirmation of your commitment. That alone is enough to make me fulfilled.

Yours dearest,


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O.J Ebubeoha
Thought Thinkers

Holistic Wellness Enthusiast| Storyteller & Romance Author| Freelance Content Writer & Self-Motivator | |