Shattered Dreams, Fading Hopes

A Life Unclaimed

Areebah M. Javed
Thought Thinkers
1 min readSep 13, 2023


Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

My dining table sits there bare,

Does it reflect my health, so rare?

Envy stirs as others feast with flair,

Yet, perhaps my concerns are just too spare.

Why does my hand feel rough and worn?

Have I not toiled enough from morn to morn?

Does time’s grip keep my wishes torn?

Do not dismiss my dreams, forlorn.

Misfortune clings to me, like a shadow’s grip,

Why did my dreams not fully rip?

They label me an urchin, words that strip,

Yet, I aspired to heal, like a surgeon’s script.

I dreamt of stadiums, grand and vast,

But here I am, extracting germanium, typecast.
Time, health, wealth, they all hold me fast,
Filling my days with shadows that forever last.

Release me from this tragedy’s hold,

Do I not deserve a life less cold?

Look at the world, audacious and bold,

Sanity, it seems, has been cruelly sold.

Alas! I depart this realm in dismay,

Will you not grant me peace, I pray?

My life, a canvas eternally gray,

In the next, I’ll choose a different way.



Areebah M. Javed
Thought Thinkers

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