Should I Lie Or Should I Offend People?

Lying is a very tempting tool

Ivanna Kanafotska
Thought Thinkers
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2024


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A woman tells a flattering lie into the microphone
Image authors own.

Imagine unwrapping a Christmas gift from your mother, and finding a knit cap that’s, well, let’s just say it’s not exactly your style.

What’s your reaction?

1) “I would prefer to have my ears frozen than to wear that;”

2) “It would look better on a peacock;”

3) “How sweet! I can’t wait to wear this lovely cap.”

Let me guess: You picked the third option. At least, this is what most people do in that kind of situation. I mean, they lie.

In today’s world, these kinds of well-meaning fibs are all too common.

“No, those jeans don’t make you look fat.”

“I’m not angry that you were 40 minutes late.”

“This hairstyle? Oh, it suits you perfectly.”

We’ve all been there, right? It looks like giving up our own morals for the sake of the common good is not so bad after all.

What are the pros of telling lies?



Ivanna Kanafotska
Thought Thinkers

Q&A in life's most pressing matters | Editor at Long. Sweet. Valuable