Politics | US Politics

Some Republicans Are Weird

And why we should be talking about that

The Accidental Monster
Thought Thinkers
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2024


This is how to properly view Trumpists, as paper macheted caricatures. Photo by Z on Unsplash

Has anyone noticed how strange many Republicans have become? We often read about the crazy things they’ve done or bizarre beliefs they hold. Usually, those aspects are considered ‘threatening,’ or ‘dangerous,’ lighting a fire within us to protect ourselves from their insanity.

Though many of us may have pondered to ourselves how someone could do and believe all those wacky things, rarely do we consider how weird they truly are. Except, apparently, Minnesota’s governor, Tim Walz.

Earlier in 2024, he began referencing the rightest-of-the-hard-right Republicans as “weird.” Now that he may be Kamala’s running mate soon, this habit has spread. Some call it a tactic — which it is, but it’s also more than that. Seeing these hate-filled types in the light of their “weirdness” is a revolutionary perspective. One that warrants a closer look.

Isn’t it weird how some cling to the flag of a hate-fueled movement from 160 years ago? Photo by Valery Tenevoy on Unsplash

“Weird” is considered a childish word by some, though it’s widely used by the common person countrywide. Everyone understands what weird means — and it’s by far, less aggressive than labeling people…



The Accidental Monster
Thought Thinkers

I am weird, spiritual, and deep. Accidentally monstrous at times, but usually with good intentions. On Medium since 2022. www.TheMonsterAlley.com