Sowing Quiet Quitting Seeds

Evolution of Work

Benjamin Workman
Thought Thinkers
2 min readAug 23, 2022


Photo by Tara Winstead

New vocabulary mixing lexicon
Tired Autobots turning Decepticon
Silent riot begetting quiet
Knitting, but not quitting
Sunflower seeds earth spitting
Sowing before knowing where going
Traditional method funnel
Planting light ending tunnel
Broadcasting framework uniformly
Remote, then came work, so no uniforming me
Mechanics designating high rate
Spinning in chairs quietly, irate
Poking holes in companies through dibbling
Net profits accompany employees through nibbling
Seedbeds assisted conical dibbler
Meticulous memos turned comical scribbler
Continuous furrow lines depth drilling
Prescription medication death filling
Seed dropping behind plow
Employer ramblings exiting behind cow
Blue collar workers and strained calves
Leather skin and serotonin brain baths
Position uplooking sewer grate
Paycheck placed on manure plate
Cattle, when linking Bos
Lifted veal gets point across
Milking workers until life force drained
Utterly shocking how life course maintained
Pushed around plantation as livestock
Real-time traded as live stock(s)
Day in, day out
Majority seeking way out
Stretching mind beyond payout
Mental chains binding
Workers brains resigning
Taking breaks from layoff
Economic insights way off
Employees working lifetimes away
Bill payments on lifetime layaway
One vacation per year lay away
Letting chips fall and throwing Lay(s) away
Where does chip bag Frito-Lay?
Besides, where hopeless people stay
Preparing Spirit Airlines catapult
Owners readying captive bolt



Benjamin Workman
Thought Thinkers

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