Stop Making Your Writing Feel Inferior By Empowering Your “Trashcan”

The messy stage is a shitty stage. Embrace it as a work-in-progress.

Jane Anne
Thought Thinkers
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2023


Image by the author courtesy of Canva Pro

Being a very observant person, I note the little things and how I’m affected by them.

Concepts most writers gloss over, hold deep translations for me.


  • I don’t view my bathroom as a wasteland but as a source of inspiration.
  • I don’t think of spring cleaning as a chore but a stress-relief activity.

In the same vein, I view the ‘trashcan’ differently. I see it as a confidence killer.

For every page you rip out of frustration, scrunch up, and shoot into the ‘trash can’, you sacrifice a piece of your confidence with it.

The messy stage is a shitty stage, but it’s part of the process

As an accountant, I don’t enjoy discarding my efforts out of frustration when my calculations aren’t in alignment. I feel like a total failure. So, I keep my desk surrounded by the mess.

Doing this reminds me of how intentionally I’ve invested my time and energy into solving my problems. It…



Jane Anne
Thought Thinkers

Juggling a 9–5 & Writing -> I help busy writers balance life-work-and making art, overcome overwhelm, create consistently & thrive ->