Stream of Consciousness

What’s on My Mind?

Paul Tropea
Thought Thinkers
1 min readAug 3, 2022


Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

Thoughts can liberate us or enslave us
What can cage you can often hold the key
Who can say for certain that freedom is evident
By anything more than a lack of past misery?

One man’s treasure is another man’s earning
Is it any wonder that for equity, we’re yearning?
Yet, collectively, we’ve yet to be more cogs in the machine
Is it any wonder the whole world is now burning?

They say you get what you put in, but it’s never explained
Life is full of reciprocity — you get back more of the same
If you provide the world with pleasure, they’ll remove all your pain
Many are never compensated — they do their part but the pain remains

No one ever promised that this life would be fair or equitable
It doesn’t matter if you’re saintly, monstrous, or respectable
Live for what you know you’re worth — not what they expect of you
The truth is, life’s best-kept secrets are the exceptions to rules



Paul Tropea
Thought Thinkers

Writer, poet, researcher, human. I’m simply trying to navigate this experience we call life, just like everyone else.