The 23 Best Movies About Strategy and Forecasting

A game theorists guide

Thought Thinkers


Film review — Photo by Myke Simon on Unsplash

One of my great passions is studying game theory strategies and forecasting.

Though you can read about game theory, gamer-thinking, and HAGT (Harrison’s Applied Game Theory), it is, at times, challenging to integrate these concepts intellectually and apply the information through rational thinking, memorization, or rote learning.

One way to master applied game theory is to dedicate time, to daily observing sports, watching films and television shows, reading books, and dissecting how specific plays, movies or narratives succeed, or fail. I often watch biographical documentaries about extraordinary people.

Think of a great performer — the tap dancer Taylor Swift, Beyonce, an entertainer like Lady Gaga, the rapper JZ, or the violinist Nadia Solerno-Sonneberg.

How can their talents create the perfection, speed of play, and performance they present? They do not just dance, sing, play the guitar, or rhyme. They have embraced the art form, and it has embraced…



Thought Thinkers

Book author: Self-Improvement, design, life lesson, AI, travel, health, life, business, politics, love, lifestyle, mental health, entrepreneurism -