The Beauty of Analog Photography

Why you should own an analog camera

Max Moser
Thought Thinkers
3 min readOct 9, 2022


Photo by Tibor Krizsak on Unsplash

I recently watched the film An Impossible Project.

It’s a documentary about a man named Florian Kaps (aka “Doc”) who saved the last Polaroid factory from closing. This was at a time when smartphones were emerging and social media platforms like Facebook (excuse me, Meta) were becoming popular. It’s an inspiring film about a truly visionary man who made it his mission to save the analog world.

I myself started film photography as a hobby a few months ago. I was bored with the seemingly “perfect” digital world. I longed for a contrast. I wanted to see the unedited beauty of life again, a life without Photoshop and filters.

So I bought my first film camera, a used Minolta Srt 101, along with my first film roll: a Kodak Gold 200.

It was magical right from the start. The moment you hear the “click” sound for the first time when you press the shutter button — it’s such an exciting feeling. If you own an analog camera, you know what I mean.

Next I experimented with a black and white film, the Ilford HP5 Plus. Below is one of my favorite shots from that film.

Image by the author. Shot on a Minolta Srt 101.

Shooting with film has taught me three important lessons that we seem to have forgotten because of digital cameras and social media.

  1. You learn to appreciate the present moment
  2. You become more mindful of your resources
  3. You let go of the feeling of perfectionism

Yes, analog photography is demanding. It punishes every little mistake. As soon as you press the shutter, your image is set in stone. It’s a scary and liberating feeling at the same time.

However, the excitement of receiving the developed photos after days of waiting (which feels like an eternity) is priceless. It’s like opening Christmas presents. That feeling is even more satisfying when you see that the end result turned out the way you imagined.

Analog photography has shown me the preciousness of the present moment and the beautiful imperfections of life. And isn’t that the true beauty of life? If you are thinking about getting an analog camera, I encourage you to do it.

Finally, I would like to leave you with a quote from the courageous Polaroid rescuer Florian Kaps.

“When everybody wanted into this direction, I thought, maybe it’s cool to look into the other direction.”

In which direction are you looking?

Thank you for reading this post. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me on Twitter or Instagram.

