The biggest life lesson we should all learn?

A wonderful life lesson that builds self-esteem.

James W Fleuriot
Thought Thinkers
2 min readJun 27, 2022


This is the story of a teacher who one day decided to share a great experience with his students. He came to class that morning, handed them a $20 bill and asked:

Who would like to have this bill?

All hands went up.

— He crumpled up the bill and asked again:

Do you still want it ?

The hands went up again.

— He throws the crumpled bill on the floor, jumps on it with both feet and says:

Do you still want it ?

And again, the students raise their hands.

— Then he tells them:

Friends, you are going to learn a great lesson today ! No matter what I do with this bill, it will always have the same value to you. That means its value hasn’t changed, even if it’s crumpled and torn. It is still worth $20.

Many times in your life, you will be crumpled, rejected by people and events. You will sometimes feel like a laughing stock.

You will feel worthless, but your value will not change. You will always be of great value to the people who truly love you.

Keep in mind

Even when it doesn’t fit, our value will remain the same.



James W Fleuriot
Thought Thinkers

SEO Content Writer (Fr-En) | Web Designer & Developer.