The Bus I Shared With Strangers

Okiwelu Chinedu Anthony
Thought Thinkers
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2024


In the depths of our greatest need, help can emerge from the most unexpected of places.

Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash

The stormy night had brought us together - six souls, adrift in a sea of uncertainty. The bus, our supposed lifeline, had abandoned us, its driver vanishing like a ghost into the darkness. We huddled together, luggage scattered around us like the fragments of our shattered plans.

As I prepared to leave, my gaze met hers - a young woman, her eyes brimming with tears, her face etched with desperation. Her silent plea echoed through the rain-soaked air, and I felt the weight of their collective fear.

My initial resolve to leave crumbled, like the crumbling asphalt beneath our feet. I couldn't turn my back on them, not now, not when the shadows of night threatened to consume us whole.

With a deep breath, I shouldered their burdens, literally and figuratively. The bright lemon-colored shirt, my instrument of hope, flapped in the wind as I flagged down passing vehicles. The rain stung my face, but I stood firm, a guardian angel in the midst of chaos.

The darkness seemed to stretch on forever, punctuated only by the occasional headlights that cast an eerie glow on our faces. But then, like a miracle, the truck appeared, its driver a Good Samaritan who ferried us to safety.



Okiwelu Chinedu Anthony
Thought Thinkers

I write about my personal experiences and my view of life as an individual.