The Most Important Question You Will Ask Today Is — God, Why Me?

The quickest way to overcome life’s difficulties.

Thought Thinkers


Do’s and Don’ts of life’s troubles

Do’s — One of the fastest ways to get out of adversity is to first find out; ‘What is the purpose of this adversity?’

Don’ts — Do not rush to get out of it. It might feel like you’re in a burning house and your only option is to escape the building, but hold on.

Do you understand every adversity has a purpose?

‘Why is this happening to me’, is an invaluable question.

If you are not asking 'why’, then 'why' again and another 'why’, you won’t have the right answers to solve life’s troubles.

The Why Conundrum

Growing up in a Christian home, I found this very hard to do.

You see, one question you were admonished for asking was ‘Why’

You couldn’t question God, you couldn’t question your parents, you couldn’t even question the random stranger on the street as far as they were an adult.

You could ask what and how, but not why.

Because asking why meant you don’t have faith.



Thought Thinkers

I believe YOLO, but not in the hippie dare devil kind of way, although I am a bit of a hippie on most days, and I dare to go up against my fears often.