The New Voting Age

Crazy Person™️
Thought Thinkers
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2022


I voted this last midterm. It was my first time. I’m 35. I’ve never believed voting was real. But, I did it anyway. I also believe political leaders are bred from childhood to learn how to hemorrhage millions through their parent’s non-profits by the time they’re ten. No? You’re right, I’m probably crazy…But for the sake of the new voting age, I’ll pretend the millions spent on elections aren’t funneled into an offshore pocket and I’ll forget we spend millions making mistakes instead of avoiding them.

The New Voting Age

30. It’s the new voting age. Even my healthy skepticism can’t contain my organs jumping with joy. I might be able to trust the system again. Ya know, I think, this is our country’s first step toward a brighter future, in 50 years.

Here’s Why…

Since our society bases the majority of decisions on science, it makes sense this should be too.

“…adolescence may extend well beyond the teenage years. In fact, there are characteristic developmental changes that almost all adolescents experience during their transition from childhood to adulthood. It is well established that the brain undergoes a “rewiring” process and is not complete until approximately 25 years of age.” [1]

It’s happening! A world without radical propaganda influencing the young and gullible minds of our boldest and brightest. The country’s political parties; no longer able to rely on impressionable adolescence to swing states or pass legislation.

I gotta say. It’s a breath of fresh air.

I’m looking forward to a less polarized student body, full of healthy, rational thinkers. They are the countries’ future leaders after all, and it’s about time we thought of them, instead of our wallets.

I know the teachers won’t be happy. Molding young minds into their masterpieces is their calling in life! But no more! Younger generations will not be politically targeted by manipulative, older, more educated, and experienced political activists! I guess high school teachers, and college professors will have to focus on something else now.

Like different viewpoints.

Don’t freak out! it’s okay! We’ll make it through. Smile. People who can think for themselves is not as bad as it sounds. I promise. New generations just need some time to learn the rules of the rat race, before they can change them.

I mean, whenever I, play a game before learning the rules, I lose, every time. I’m so happy our country doesn’t want to lose anymore. I’m so proud of you guys!

You know, since we’re on a roll, we should create a new mandatory elective. Nothing crazy, just something to nudge them in the right direction. Stay with me!

A class…where you experience the rollercoaster of life! And not just its joys! But it’s fucked up sense of humor too! It should help realize some strong opinions pretty quickly. Don’t worry. It’ll be a hit.


…Finally, a generation who won’t feel the pressure to change millions of people’s lives, before they even get a chance to live theirs. They’ll be able to concentrate on building, learning, educating, friendships, families…money. Not to mention have time to find themselves and each other, while feeling all of the available emotions needed, to grow into a human being.

This is the most democratic thing we’ve done in a long time guys. High five!

How Long Did You Last?

Did you look up the voting age? Maybe you were hip the whole time. I’m surprised you made it this far…

This would obviously never happen.

It takes alot more energy and money to influence people over 30. Who knew, life is the real teacher? Our real education. The one we remember and learn from the most.

If only the United States wanted rationality, then again, I’ve always been told I’m an unrealistic dreamer.


  1. Arain M, Haque M, Johal L, Mathur P, Nel W, Rais A, Sandhu R, Sharma S. Maturation of the adolescent brain. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2013;9:449–61. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S39776. Epub 2013 Apr 3. PMID: 23579318; PMCID: PMC3621648.



Crazy Person™️
Thought Thinkers

I’m never talking about you but I am always talking to you.