The Real Deal of Moving to a New Country

Navigating life abroad

Thought Thinkers
3 min readAug 16, 2023


Hey there, let’s have a heart-to-heart about something we all dream of — living it up in a whole new country. Jetting off to new horizons, making new buddies, and soaking in all those travel vibes. But wait a sec, because reality check: life isn’t all smooth sailing when you’re living far away from your comfort zone.

world map with a plane flying from one place to the other

1. The Language Tangle: Remember those language classes that seemed kinda boring? Well, now you wish you’d paid better attention. Asking for directions or ordering food turns into a brain teaser. Suddenly, you’re standing in a store aisle, clueless about what’s what.

2. Friendships on Delay: Building a squad in a new place sounds rad, but it’s not as simple as swiping right. It’s like starting a new game level — finding your peeps in a sea of new faces. That casual chit-chat is your new challenge, and you low-key miss your old gang.

3. Adulting Ultra-Mode: So, adulting in a new place turns out to be a whole new ball game. Paying rent, handling bills, doing laundry — it’s like you’re playing a new, complicated board game. You miss the days when clean clothes magically appeared in your closet.

4. Nostalgia Waves: That cozy spot on your sofa where you binge-watched shows? Yup, you miss that. The comfort food from your favorite diner? Oh yeah, that’s on the miss-list too. Cue scrolling through old pics and reminiscing about the good ol’ days.

5. Culture Shock Waves: New place, new rules, and new vibes. What was totally cool back home might be a big no-no abroad. You might accidentally step on some cultural toes, and it’s not as cute as it sounds.

6. Time Zone Twists: Dialing up your peeps back home? Well, get ready to be a pro at time zone math. While you’re starting your day, they’re winding down, and scheduling chats becomes like solving a puzzle.

7. Homesick Rollercoaster: It’s like a rollercoaster — one moment you’re riding high, and the next, homesickness hits like a ton of bricks. Special occasions, holidays, or just a random day when you miss your gang — it hits you like a tidal wave.

8. Budget Bumps: Money matters, big time. You’ve got bills to pay and adventures to fund. Suddenly, you’re a pro at adulting finances, and let’s be real, it’s a bit of a struggle.

But… Worth Every Bit!

Hold up, don’t panic! Yeah, moving abroad has its challenges, but guess what? It’s a life-changer. You’re growing, learning, and building a life that’s uniquely yours. You’re embracing change, making memories, and becoming an adventurer.

So, What’s the Plan?

Embrace the challenge, my friend! Learn that language, step out of your comfort zone, and give yourself a high-five when you figure out the bus system. And hey, feeling homesick? It’s totally normal. But remember, you’re totally capable.

Moving abroad might be like a next-level game, but you’re gonna ace it. So, pack your bags, take a deep breath, and jump into this new chapter.

Your globetrotting adventure is waiting, and it’s gonna be epic!



Thought Thinkers

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