The Super Mario Bros. Movie Review

A masterpiece of limited proportions

Ben Ulansey
Thought Thinkers
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2023


Universal Pictures

It might just be the undying Nintendo fan in me, but leaving the theatre after seeing The Super Mario Bros. Movie, I can’t help but feeling as though I’ve gotten everything I could have ever wanted from a movie devoted to the beloved plumbers, and then some. But the truth is, I hadn’t even realized that I needed a Super Mario Bros. movie.

With the onslaught of bad adaptations of the last few years, I was leery when I initially heard word of it. As teaser trailers began to release, though, I began to see glimmers of what could be a long-overdue, actualized movie centered around The Mushroom Kingdom and the famed mustachioed brothers in overalls.

What seemed to be taking form in those early teasers was a fully formed realization of the fictional video game world in which I’d spent so much of my childhood. As its release date approached, I’ll admit that I felt the kid still alive within me beginning to tap his feet with excitement. To sit down in that theatre with my popcorn at my side and 3D glasses on, I struggled to contain myself a bit more than a 27 year old should.

While the movie wasn’t a masterpiece when compared with the likes of Forest Gump, Inception or Shawshank Redemption, there are enormous…



Ben Ulansey
Thought Thinkers

Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙