The thing about trying something new …

Some things that seems to be far fetched, now seems within reach.

Thought Thinkers
3 min readOct 27, 2022


Everyday we see the sun rise in the horizon, everyday you get a chance to have the sun rise on your side. So be the sun. Rise everyday because everyday is a new beginning. (Picture by MarieC.Comes10.26.22)

The 9 to 5 job kept me from getting a fulfilled life, when others are going out with friends, I’m doing chores and other adult things or attending school. Teenage stuff was a dud, adulting consumed my life , and yes, there are no excuses. I don’t think I’ve ever let myself go to a party unless I have an exit strategy because who knows when these people will shut down the event.

I am ashamed to tell you that I lived a boring, uninteresting, predictable life. But I think this is what happens when you have a family to raise. A family that I love dearly that I would gladly take a bullet for them. I loved them with compassion and gratitude and will always have.

Thanks to my husband’s support, I have the luxury to do whatever and however I want. Although I am not proud of it and still need to get used to not working for a while. I am graciously grabbing the opportunity before it’s left untouched and undiscovered. Who knows, maybe something might stick.

When life gives you lemons..

Why do they use lemons to make an analogy? Is it because lemons has a sour taste to it, an acquired taste? I am honestly stumped as some people, not only love the taste of sour … but, sour patch kids anyone?

Everything in life is about perspective.

  • I chose not to work because it makes sense right now. Although It does make me feel a little insecure, I just have to deal with it graciously. Take one for the team, they say! Just like the rest of us, everything that the TV portrays are fabulous housewives where all they do is walk around in their glamour dresses with their equally glamorous babies.

In reality, it’s far from it. Oh the glamour of sweatpants, maybe vomit in your hair a little and pure exhaustion at the end of the day and do it again all over again the next.

Life can have a different turn of event from your game plan

  • I didn’t have any game plan, when I was growing up or even now as an adult, life happens and I just went with it. I envied the kids that had a game plan at a young age. They mapped out their lives around it, the super focus lads …. Yes, I’m talking to you! But every thing has its own price and sacrifices to endure to reach that goal. But you can do it, with focus and consistency to do better than yesterday.
Be the sun. Have the confidence to show up no matter what. (pictured by MarieC.Comes)

Do something new, go out of your comfort zone, explore… this is your time!

  • Being an introvert, I didn’t really socialize beyond my old friends. But, the thing about making a change is that you have to push yourself to do something that is not your “normal” everyday thing. Then eventually, meeting friends or doing something new will come naturally.

We all have a different timeline

  • I am turning 40. I had a job for 13 years that taught me grace and perseverance in times of chaos & coworkers who turned to a lifelong friendship. At this time, I am voluntarily not working to do wifey & motherly stuff, whatever that means to everyone. But I am also on a crossroad on what to do next.

So, here’s to me .. To figure things out on what could be..

Thanks for reading.. Stay safe and Live well!!



Thought Thinkers

Mother, novice writer, gym/health enthusiast, part time vegetarian and a student.