The Treasure of Cape Vert

An eye-opening traveling experience

Thought Thinkers
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2023


Last year, my parents and my grandmother and I chose Cape Vert, an african country, as our summer vacation destination. When we left, we had all grown from what we experienced. In fact, we discovered a real treasure – The People.

Photo by Gil Ribeiro on Unsplash

The arrival

We boarded our plane all excited. I had previously visited the island of Boavista in Cape Vert, but I was too young to properly remember. My family enjoyed it so much that they decided to visit a different location from the same archipelago- Sal Island.

As soon as we started to approach our destination from the sky, our jaws dropped due to the clarity of the water. The vivid blue of the sea contrasted largely with the arid picture on land.

We landed safely and took a bus to the resort we had booked. That’s when our experience truly started.

Everyone was extremely nice. From the reception to the bar, each worker would greet you with a wide smile, whiling to enter a friendly dialogue. Actually, presented with my grandmother’s love for talking, some staff members briefly told us about their origin, life choices, and future plans. Everyone was extremely open and friendly.

We headed towards the beach and our admiration grew. The sea was crystal clear and the sand extremely white. The scenery was truly evenly.

Our resort was pretty close to one of the most important areas on the island where the pier of Santa Maria is located. That’s where the fisherman sell their products, surrounded by impressive craftsmen. It’s also the place teenagers use to dive into the water which creates in tourists the impression of closeness towards the native people of Cape Vert. In reality, youngsters commonly start dialogues with tourists just presenting their dreams and aspirations.

The Motto – “Cabo Verde No Stress”

It wasn’t long before we learned the nation’s motto.

Picture a man planning precisely his holidays. When something doesn’t go as planned, even if it’s just a tiny detail, he gets all stressed out. That man is my father and when the locals realized his state of spirit, they rapidly attempted to change it. They would smile at us and vigorously repeat their motto. Truly, looking at the people they seemed to just be enjoying their life and were simply trying to spread a message – Appreciate what you have and enjoy it, leaving the stress behind.

Rain is a blessing

At one point, my grandma and I decided to shop in the craftsman’s market near the pier I mentioned earlier. While we were there, it started to rain lightly. Intuitively, my grandma tried to find shelter, but someone intervened. Raining on the island is extremely rare so for the locals, it is truly a blessing. A man shouted to us with his arms up in the air – “Fell the rain, it’s a blessing, don’t run from it”. We perused his suggestion and embraced each little drop, bringing freshness to the tropical atmosphere. Not long after that, a beautiful rainbow filled the sky and transformed the scenery into something truly magical.

Photo from my personal album

“We have everything we need in our islands, except water”

At the pier, we met a local guide willing to take us to a beach where we could observe and interact with lemon sharks. During our car ride, he told us about how much we liked his home, praising the sea, the people, and the food they were able to collect. Happily, he pronounced, “We have everything we need in our islands, except water”. You might think he was being ironic as we commonly hear that water means life, but he truly was not. He was cherishing what he had and pacifically acknowledging what was missing, never making a big deal out of it. I think that that’s just the mindset they utilize to deal with life: valuing what they have and dealing in a positivist manner with what they lack. It’s inspiring!

Final Thoughts

Cape Vert is amazing in many ways. The natural beauty is fabulous and the marine biodiversity too, however, it’s the people that truly make a difference. They are authentic treasures willing to welcome anyone with a smile on their face, touching everybody’s hearts and spreading happiness. The philosophy they pursue is built on foundations related to peace and positivity and that’s truly beautiful.

So, if you’re looking for a stress-free vacation and appreciate not only a sunny beach but also cultural sharing this is the destiny for you!

Go if you want to discover the treasure for yourself!



Thought Thinkers

Hello there! I’m a girl learning constantly about life. I love the sea, nature, science, travels, writing and knowledge in general.