The Two Things You’ll Regret Not Doing on Your Deathbed

You will derive meaning and fulfillment from these two on your deathbed.

Basina Suraj
Thought Thinkers
2 min readMar 27, 2024


Photo by rayul on Unsplash

Some day, on your deathbed, many things won’t matter to you anymore. At last, your career won’t mean anything to you, the opinions of others won’t flood your thoughts as much, and you will be left to yourself.

Yet, you spend so much time worrying about the wrong things instead of living your best life. Let’s fix that mindset here once and for all.

So, a question for you. What would your last moments here be like?

I don’t know you, but it’s certainly not ranting and worrying about random and trivial issues on Instagram with unknown faces.

It has to be something within your heart and soul. Something that conveys meaning and fulfillment to you.

So, here are two things you will regret not doing on your deathbed.

Time spent with loved ones

In your last moments, you won’t care about your horrible 9–5 job, the cars you have, or even time. You will start thinking about those close to you. Your family, wife or husband, children, and close friends.

Now that you have some time, deepen your relationship with them.

Spend time with your partner and kids if you have any. This is not just for your physical connection but also your emotional bond with them as well.

Set aside special days for family and friends’ get-togethers. It doesn’t have to be anything extraordinary. You can on organized trips together or invite your friends over for dinner.

Treat them well because these feelings stay with you forever.

As Maya Angelou beautifully remarked, People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

The memories you create today

The memories and experiences you share on earth will stick with you till your last breath. Cherish every little memory you create.

Celebrate your wins, however small they may seem. Celebrate your birthdays and wedding anniversaries as if you were a child. And take as many pictures as you can. They are a reminder of both the good and bad times in your past and present.

You only live once, any time you have the chance to try out new adventures take it. These are the memories that you will cherish and eagerly share with your grandkids in your old age.

You may not care about a lot of things on your deathbed, but the time spent with your family and the memories you create today will stick with you forever.

It is up to you. Don’t wait until it is too late to start caring about the things that truly matter to you. Start making them your priority today and your life will be meaningful and fulfilling.



Basina Suraj
Thought Thinkers

Inspiring you through my Productivity and Self Improvement tips one story at a time.