This Simple Question Has the Power to Change the Way You Live Forever.

This is the most important question you will ever be asked.

Basina Suraj
Thought Thinkers
5 min readAug 4, 2023


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

How are you living?

In a fast-paced world, full of noise and distractions, it is rare to set aside time for self-assessment. Well, no worries.

This short yet thoughtful question has the power to guide and redirect you on the right path to your personal transformation journey.

Don’t perceive this question as an intimidating interrogation, but a reality check for how well you spend your time on earth.

It is a question about self-reflection and how to always assess your capabilities and shortfalls in various facets of your life.

This question will help you dig deep within yourself to find a reason to keep going in the face of adversity.

It will hold you to account and make you a responsible person in your quest to become a better version of yourself.

This is the most important question you will ever be asked in your entire lifetime.

Don’t wait to be on your deathbed, ready to cross to the next world before answering this question.

No! Do it every day instead.

Just ask yourself. How am I living? Take a few minutes to reflect on your answer.

And be brutally honest with yourself.

Are you proud of how you live? If yes, good for you.

But unfortunately, most of us are within the ‘no’ bracket. No worries though. Even if you are seventy years, you still have ample time to reverse-engineer the narrative of your ending.

Are you making significant progress in your life?

Are you inching a step closer to the best version of yourself or are you just passing through the surface of this earth aimlessly lacking any footprints?

Your main purpose here is to fulfill your greatest potential by etching your mark and leaving a memorable legacy.

You were designed to glow like the moon, illuminating the dark corners of this world with your light.

Are you doing that? I guess not. So how are you living?

Are you happy and inspired by the life you have settled for?

If you are not enthused about how you are living, then you have a self-inflicted problem.

Because the power to change that lifestyle is fully within your arms stretch. If your life does not inspire you, then how are you living?

Do you find peace, fulfillment, and hope in the work you have settled for?

If the answer is no, then it is never too late to make life-changing adjustments.

You have the power in your hands to turn the ship from the direction of regrets to a point of bliss if you really want to.

But then again, if you are not at peace with yourself, then how are you living?

Do you live on your own terms?

In your entire existence, you will be tempted to behave, walk, work, and sleep in the manner society deems fit.

It’s a trap you should never fall into. You are here with a bundle of special gifts and talents only you can unlock.

That’s how you are gonna make this world a better and more pleasant place for children and generations yet unborn.

So if you are not living on your own terms, then what kind of life are you living?

Once again, I ask, how are you living?

How is your relationship with people? Do you uphold and treat people with love and respect?

Quit behaving like you are an island on your own. For your information, the world revolves around people.

By fostering a cordial relationship with people, you gain their trust and respect. Through these connections, building your dream lifestyle becomes easy.

What difference are you making in your little world?

Strive to be a living example for your peers and the generations yet unborn through your actions and lifestyle.

Putting a smile on the faces of people might seem like a petty gesture to you, but it may be the spark one needed to overcome a terrible day.

How are you living if you are not making a difference in your little corner?

Are you playing it safe?

Yes, I get it. Life can be a bitter pill to swallow, but you have to if you want to stand any chance of reaching your full potential.

Playing safe won’t make a difference in your life, let alone that of society.

Staying on the safer side of the sea will not fetch you a bountiful catch. You must confront stronger tides to get the best catch.

How are you even living if you are playing it safe and small with life?

Let’s get real. If you were on your deathbed today, how would you feel about the life you have lived so far?

Will the regrets bring you down to your knees in tears and sorrow?

or you will smile at a life well lived?

Are you aspiring to become the best version of yourself or you are just hanging around patiently waiting for the angel of death to come and take your soul away?

Are you confronting your fears or avoiding them?

Life is synonymous with holding a pistol loaded with one bullet. You only have one shot at your disposal. You must hit your target once you pull the trigger.

Same with life. You only have one lifeline. If you don’t use it wisely, you will die with regrets and disappointments.

So you have to quiz yourself every single day. How am I living?

These are some tips I wanted to share with you.

Spend time with your friends and loved ones.

Create memories.

Spend money on the things that put a smile on your face.

Find peace with yourself

Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Enjoy every moment as if it was the last one.

And don’t forget to be yourself.

Concentrate on the most important stuff.

Live the life you want and be unapologetic about it.

Explore the world like a wild forest.

Allow yourself to make mistakes and fail.

Be ambitious and adventurous.

Live on your terms and never compare yourself to others.

Chase your dreams with all your might.

That is how I live.

As we sign out from this post, this is the perfect time to ask you the question again. At least one last time.

How are you living?



Basina Suraj
Thought Thinkers

Inspiring you through my Productivity and Self Improvement tips one story at a time.