To The Writers Who Dared

Thank You For Gifting Us Stories We’ll Never Forget.

Jane Anne
Thought Thinkers
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2023


Photo by Matias North on Unsplash

To all authors who dared to write the stories burning deep within their hearts, you have my love.

Because of you, we’ve traveled to worlds that have entrapped us, felt excitement tingle in our bones with blazing fury, and jumped into the action, ready to live or die with your characters.

Because you dared. We've known love like no other, felt pain that's crushed us, and experienced healing so deep, we wept for days.

The way you weave your words with so much darkness and light, passion and pain, healing and love, action & submissions, victory & loss, has messed up our minds so badly, we cannot differentiate fiction from reality.

You've made us pine and grieve for the ones we love and lost. You've made us curse and grovel for the heroes and villains we sometimes love or hate.

Especially men that are brazen, sinful, and rakish as hell, and women that are audacious, powerful, and stubborn as a bull.

You’ve also given us characters that are pure and sweet, and gentle and light. We love them too.

The stories you've written captured humanity at its best and its worst, and we've experienced the best of both worlds.

And for doing so, you have our hearts.

When we read the stories you write, we feel your emotions woven into your words and feel your bleeding heart cradled within its pages.

— How do you not die each time you bare your soul to us?

— And we still wonder how you survive the stories that shatter us irreparably.

To the writers who dared, we are loyal to you forever.

Because of you, we found a more exciting escape from our chaotic, sometimes cruel world.

Truthfully, we’ve learned to live, love, and hope in your world. You've also taught us to cherish the light we carry and be a light to others.

You've shown us that kindness isn't a weakness, and happiness is bliss.

From deep within the pages of your stories, we learned to forgive, to rise, and to heal. We've learned to hope, to trust, and to believe.

And we've found ourselves again.

In the end,

Because you dared to write the stories burning within your heart, we got to experience the magic of your creation, brought to life through characters that are forever engraved in our hearts.

So, thank you for gifting us the stories we’ll never forget.

We love you so much.

Special thanks to:

— Timi Waters: Author of Haven

Aminat Sanni-Kamal: Author of Love Like Morning Dew & Midnight Kiss

— Catherine Assam: Author of Hearts Like Your

— The Black Female Author Community

And myself:

O.J Ebubeoha: Author of Ignited Passions

Do you know a writer who’s ever made you feel like this? Appreciate them with a warm comment or tag them in this story.

This one is for them.



Jane Anne
Thought Thinkers

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