Top Secret! We’re Going to War With China
Part Five: USAFA boots (not) on the ground
This is the fifth installment of a twelve-part series recounting my 30-year USAFA reunion. USAFA did not respond to a request for comment. To read part one, click here.
To read this piece for free, click here.
World War II: The European Theatre
“What happened to me that night, and many more to follow, was the worst hell any person had to endure… Coming from a small small farming community, I never heard of men doing to me what they did. I… hadn’t even been with a girl, except to hold her hand and give her a light kiss on her cheek or mouth. I was bleeding from all the openings of my body, and I prayed to God to take my life from me.”
― Dan Culler, Prisoner of the Swiss (recounting his experience at Wauweilermoos prison camp)
Present Day: USAFA, Fairchild Hall, The Supe briefing, October 2023
The Superintendent’s briefing in Fairchild Hall continued. His opening remarks, while only 20 minutes, wore me out. To his credit, he packed a lot into those 20 minutes. But with his boomeranging between aggression towards China and real estate development, I didn’t…