URGENT: …HACKERS Are Using A.I. On Medium To Create Spoof Files

HERZ magaZine
Thought Thinkers
Published in
6 min readApr 28, 2024


This happened to our account. You need to know about it! And many users need to stop bringing A.I. to this platform.

(SCREENSHOT: Mysterious “Spoof Files” showing up in Medium Stories Section)

(Blythe Walcott for HERZ)

Every day since you’ve been online — you have been warned not to open ‘just any email’ that comes into your inbox. Well even more dangerous are the mysterious files and folders you did not create that may pop up on your MEDIUM account (it happened to us when we joined in March).

You might think — “Oh there’s a glitch of some kind. Files I didn’t create are cluttering up my Stories sections.”

But such files and folders you did not create (mysteriously appearing out of nowhere) can be a back door’ for Hackers to access your account every time you sign into your account. More on that fact from the FBI later in this article.

This happened to us several times since we joined Medium in March and even though we are “Friends of Medium” — we have not been able to get adequate help from the Medium Tech Support. We were forced to turn to the FBI’s IC3 Unit.

In our “STORIES” section — drafts entitled “Untitled Story” that I (Blythe) did not create suddenly populated themselves. I am unable to remove them because they are drafts. Due to prior experiences with being hacked (the…



HERZ magaZine
Thought Thinkers

HERZ magaZine is a female writing club comprised of 8 main contributors curated and edited by page runner BLYTHE WALCOTT.