The Orange River — All photos used courtesy of Author & Tuk South

We Swam Into South Africa on Magic Mushrooms

fun guys…

Josh Porter
Thought Thinkers
Published in
10 min readJun 11, 2024


After almost two years of driving our eight-horsepower tin cans from the equator in Kenya, down through Africa, our merry band of misfits were looking at the final country of the trip. We snaked along the Orange River for a few miles assessing campsite options. This body of water acts as a natural border separating Namibia and South Africa.

The valley we were driving through had steep sides of bare, orange rock that contrasted brilliantly with the strip of green and blue that flowed down its centre.

Having spent the past week with cracked lips and sunburnt cheeks in Namibia’s desert interior, it was a sight that brought a smile to all of our faces.

We could finally wash off some of the fine dust that comes with desert tuk-tuk travel.

The previous campsite was a little bit Spartan

“Wow, this place is cooler than I expected,” said Jasper, peering over his sunglasses out of the grubby windshield.

“Maybe we do a few nights here?” replied his brother, Ivo. “Pull into that little track… let’s have a look on foot.”

