When Life Breaks You

Osykhena Okpokpa
Thought Thinkers
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2022
CLICK THE LINK TO WATCH THE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/OrxsNs4idz4

Life happens

The unforseen, the unexpected, the uncalled for, the inconvenient,

The unpleasant, the unintentional, the unfortunate happens

We’ve been through thick and thin,

We’ve been through fire and wind

We’ve been through depression

We’ve been through swings and lows

It may be your life time investment

It may be your business

It may be your long time relationship

It may be a treasure you’ve lost,

It may be your expectations of your trusted friends,

It may be your heart that is broken today

You might check your bank account and suddenly realize


Anything can break you

You can break physically

You can break spiritually

You can break emotionally

You can break mentally

Your life can be shattered into pieces by unforseen circumstances,

And all of those are gonna leave a mark

But the mark they gonna leave can be anything you call it,

A mark of triumph or a mark of failure

You don’t say it is over when the table turns in your life,

At this point in your life, you either choose to break down or break through,

It is not what you are facing that determines your destination,

It’s what you believe of yourself,

No matter how great you are, no matter how talented, no matter how much potential you have in you, If you believe you cannot, then you never can.

It’s all about the mind!

When life breaks you, it gives you two options,

To worry about the situation or to turn that experience as a lesson to make you wise

It gives you the option to grumble or to be grateful

It gives you the option to have self doubt or to have faith

You see, when life breaks you, while it’s a reason to give up, it gives you an opportunity

To get stronger than you’ve ever been, to stand taller than you’ve ever stood,

You get wiser, you get faster, you get tougher, you get more determined than you’ve ever been!

Find a reason to keep trying, find a reason to keep fighting,

Find as reason to keep running, to keep moving, to keep striving to become the best at what you do,

Never look back, keep your feet on track and run as far as you can,

You have what it takes to make you great if you decide to

Push through it,

Push through it

Everybody have their hard times, Everybody is going through a difficult time at something

But only the strong survives.

Do not give up!

Life is not finished with you, so do not give up on life.

When you are at your weakest, you’re in the best time to rise up stronger,

An athletes gets most tired when he is close to the finishline,

Take a look at the tarpaulin, the lower you go, the higher it takes you,

So accept your fall and use that as an opportunity to succeed

Use that as an opportunity to show the world the stuff you are made of.

You don’t need a degree to be brave,

You don’t need an expert to make that decision for you,

Life itself is a school, and it is a hardknock life,

You must draw lessons from every experience,

As long as you enjoy the sweet experience, learn to accept the bitter experience, draw the lessons from them and use them as a springboard, as a tarpaulin that would take you to the next level.

When life throws lemons on you, make lemonades out of it,

Embrace your heartbreak,

Your heart stops breaking the moment you accept the heat break

The greatest pain a man faces is the denial of pain,

When you deny the reality of situations that are not within your power to change, they control your life,

But when you accept them and say,

Oh yes, I am heart broken, and so what? I’m gonna move on

Oh yes, I failed, I’m gonna try harder and if I fail again, I’ll keep trying until I succeed

Oh yes, I am bankrupt, I’m gonna pick up myself, start all over again, and see how far I go

Sometimes, you never know how far you can go until life breaks you.

