
Why People Don’t Respect You

The first reason is so obvious I don’t know why it took me so long to grasp it

Thought Thinkers
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2024


Photo by sobhan joodi on Unsplash

Why is it that some folks command respect like a general on a battlefield, while others struggle to even get a nod of acknowledgment?

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You enter a room full of people and try to assert your presence, yet you feel invisible. Ignored.

As if you’re screaming at the top of your lungs, but your voice is just an echo in a desolate canyon. Ever asked yourself why? Why the respect you crave remains elusive?

Let me tell you something. Respect isn’t a merit badge you receive just for showing up. It’s not a party favor handed out at the door. Respect, my friends, is earned.

If you’re feeling disrespected, chances are, you’re not presenting yourself as someone worthy of it. But, don’t beat yourself up just yet!

We’re here to change that narrative.

Walk Your Talk

Do you remember that old saying, “Actions speak louder than words?” Well, guess what? It’s old because it’s true.

Now, I’m not suggesting you climb Mount Everest or run a marathon (although, hats off to you if you do!). What I’m talking about is integrity — making your words align with your actions.

Are you one of those people who promise the moon and stars, only to deliver a handful of dust? If yes, you’ve already lost the battle for respect.

Imagine you’re at work. You’ve committed to delivering a project by a specific date. The day comes, and instead of a finished project, you have a pile of excuses.

Now, let’s flip the script. You deliver not only on time, but your work is thorough, polished, and better than anyone expected.

Which scenario do you think will earn you respect? The answer is as clear as a bell.

Here’s the simple truth: if you want people to respect you, you need to respect your commitments. You need to be reliable, dependable.

People need to know that your word isn’t just hot air — it carries weight.

Respect Is A Two-Way Street

Have you ever tried driving down a one-way street in the wrong direction? The result is, at best, chaotic, and at worst, catastrophic.

The same principle applies to respect — it’s a two-way street.

Do you want respect? Start giving it out. Respect isn’t a privilege of rank, status, or age — it’s a fundamental right.

If you’ve been treating the janitor differently than you treat your boss, there’s a problem. If you dismiss others’ ideas without a second thought, because hey, you know best, there’s a problem.

Picture this: you’re at a dinner party, and you’re busy pontificating about the latest stock market trends while ignoring the woman who’s trying to discuss climate change.

Here’s the twist: she’s a climate scientist. See the issue? If you’re disrespecting people — overtly or subtly — you’re creating an atmosphere where respect for you is likely to evaporate.

Start by listening to others. Valuing their contributions. Acknowledging their existence. The return on this investment is monumental.

Not only will you command respect, but you’ll also foster an environment of mutual respect. And isn’t that a world we’d all rather live in?

The Importance of Self-Respect

At the end of the day, it boils down to this: if you don’t respect yourself, how on earth can you expect others to?

Self-respect isn’t about boasting or putting on airs — it’s about knowing your worth and refusing to accept less than you deserve.

It’s about setting boundaries and sticking to them. It’s about treating yourself with kindness and understanding.

Let’s say you’re constantly letting others take advantage of your time and effort, overworking yourself while they kick back. You think you’re being a good sport, a team player.

The reality? You’re sending out a loud message: “I don’t respect myself enough to demand fair treatment.” And once people get that memo, respect for you is sure to dwindle.

Respecting yourself means holding others accountable for how they treat you.

It means not letting anyone make you feel insignificant or inferior. It means understanding that you’re valuable, and damn it, people should recognize that.

Final Thought

So, feeling a bit enlightened? Hopefully, you now understand why people might not be lining up to salute you. It’s not some mysterious cosmic conspiracy — it’s about actions, attitudes, and self-perception.

So, feeling a bit enlightened? Hopefully, you now understand why people might not be lining up to salute you. It’s not some mysterious cosmic conspiracy — it’s about actions, attitudes, and self-perception.

Start walking your talk and see how your credibility skyrockets. Begin treating everyone around you with genuine respect, and observe the tide turn. And lastly, respect yourself. Set your boundaries. Uphold your worth.

And remember: respect begins at home — in your own heart and mind.

Because once you start radiating respect, the world will have no choice but to reflect it back to you. Trust me on this one.



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