Working Through My Day

Selecting a Goal

Thought Thinkers
2 min readJul 6, 2022


Photo by Mikhail Nilov:

Hello Lovelies, today feels like a slow Tuesday, like crawling back into bed would be the best plan of action. I’m feeling quite drained and lacking that spark of motivation. It's an interesting phenomenon that I am feeling like this and my best friend is also feeling this way. The weather is nice and neither of us has any looming responsibilities that must be taken care of presently. Yet, here we are uncomfortable and exhausted.

My eyes feel particularly heavy and my neck wants to lull backward as if it could stretch far enough that I would be horizontal. My body aches and my soul doesn't feel very spry either. Let’s examine the symptoms, shall we?

A cup of overly tired yet I've slept 8 hours, 3 tablespoons of no motivation, a dash of body aches, a touch of despair, bake for several hours in a rumination, and voila! Mental Illness. (note this recipe is from scratch and I don't suggest you try it)

Anyone who went to therapy or has had even an inkling about what a therapist would advise knows that sleeping all day and avoiding life isn't the schedule they would want you to follow. Don’t get me wrong, some days the best you can do is stay in bed and that's okay on occasion but today I’m challenging myself to do a little more. Maybe I’ll do some self-care and be gentle with myself today.

After all, I did get out of bed, get dressed, and have a meal so that's a win. On days like today, I like to think about how much time I have and what a small goal I can achieve today. This goal needs to be a S.M.A.R.T goal, which means the goal must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

When I’m setting up a S.M.A.R.T goal I like to think about things I could do before I decide. Today I could work on school, go for a walk, bake something, clean my room, and I'm sure there's more but I’m going to pick between these four. The purpose of setting a goal today is to take up time to help me stay motivated and stay awake. Do something instead of napping.

I don't think I’ll work on school just yet as my mind feels a bit too foggy, yesterday I went for a walk and I'm feeling a bit too tired to do that. Cleaning my room puts me dangerously close to my tempting bed so I think I’ll bake something today. It would be good to do something I enjoy as it might give me a bit of energy.

Thank you my dears for reading and if you liked this please leave a comment, follow, or some claps :).



Thought Thinkers

Amateur writer, artist, and tea and plant enthusiast.