Writing On The Walls!

Fatima Naveed
Thought Thinkers
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2022

A poetic story by Fatima Naveed

Writings on the wall, every writing on the walls tells a different story. Every one of them put forth a different case. Every one of them is written by a different being, in a different way, and in a different style. Every one of them is different.

Every one of them has been broken down, or damaged. Some have missing bricks and some have broken stones. Some were once raised up beautifully high and then destroyed by the ones that adorned them. Some were loved like no other. Some were taken away and some stood strong by the tornado. Some were painted while on some mud was thrown. Some were used for the time being but then forgotten.

But the most important ones, the ones that stayed, the rare ones. The ones that were built, by built I mean, the ones that came into being for supporting of buildings by buildings I mean, the ones that need support to rise up in the sky, high above the clouds and along the stars. To support and save it from falling down. To make their mark in this world, be useful. And the ones that got no tribute.

The ones that are not, by not I mean, are never spoken of. It’s like it’s forbidden, banned, prohibited, outlawed, and not allowed. Everyone knows what it is, where it is, and what it did or does, but not to be spoken about. No one to praise it, no one to appreciate it or value it. Until that wall is broken down, fallen down into the deepness of the soil until it’s wrecked and only fragments of it remain.

It’s a forbidden word, “IT-WHOM-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED “.

Kind of reminded you of Harry Potter didn’t I.

“Writings on the wall “, and by that I mean, US, YOU AND ME.



Fatima Naveed
Thought Thinkers

I am a writer, a story teller and a fashion designer