You Be the Judge (Freestyle)

Paint Splatter

Benjamin Workman
Thought Thinkers
Aug 18, 2022


Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț

Speaking truth
Ghost sighting in booth
Listeners get quiet
Levels on display like Hyatt
All door-knocking riot
Lobbying for decency at Regency
Bias disconnecting from recency
Elevating ledge hesitating
Simulation jump demonstrating
No spoon mentally, moon
Imagination mixed with Looney Tune(s)
Remote missing, still channeling
Multi-dimensional paneling
Continuously arising surface
Depth sighting surprising resurface
Entire establishment repurpose
Decor designed cognitively poor
Seated in conceited
Nearby lamp shades pleated
Contrasting colors competed
Infinite game spectrum
Finite — Actions we expect from
The Dividers
Amassing Higgs Boson colliders
Counting every particle within article
Verification — No part of art fickle
Dyslexic tests start cell sickle
Relishing brought pickle
Splinter in mind thought tickle
No laughing matter
Gandalf staffing chatter
White robes lacking tatter
Visualizing paint splatter



Benjamin Workman
Thought Thinkers

Managing Director at PWW Recruiting | Machiavelli meets Peter Petrelli | Poet | Recording Artist |