AI Replacement (Therapy)

When my job is gone, quite frankly, so is yours.

Rob Furey
Thought AI


AI is coming for you, for me, for us all. Its incursion into the classroom may not be the worst of it, even though it will underscore the end.

Photo by Aideal Hwa on Unsplash

In a recent discussion by faculty, the problem of AI written term papers was discussed as a major problem for learning and classroom discipline. The difficulty with detecting these papers makes student assessment all but impossible where work outside the classroom is used.

Cheating has undoubtedly been a factor since even long before schools were invented, but normally it’s easy to spot. The internet made things more difficult but now AI seems to make things all but impossible.

Make no mistake, AI has been steadily entwining itself throughout society and taking jobs since Ford introduced automated factory lines 1913. I don’t think the arguments made against the limited breadth of Ford’s automated assembly line are fundamentally any different than those made about today's AI “artists.”

The creativity of AI may be questioned but not its skill set. Deep Fakes for images and voice, face-swapping software readily available and easily used on a smartphone speak to the power of AI. I might even suggest that we, as regular citizens, don’t know half of it.



Rob Furey
Thought AI

Rob is a professor of integrated science in Pennsylvania where he teaches biology and forensics courses. He writes both fiction and non-fiction.